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Modern Bartering For


Increase booked appointments and save cash with Trade Network

By accepting Trade Network as a form of payment, you will receive a powerful local currency that can be spent just like cash with other Trade Network Members. This allows you to not only get new customers but also improve your cash flow. The American Dental Association supports bartering as an alternate form of payment.


Trade Network has also helped Chiropractors, Optometrists, Med Spas, Plastic Surgeons, Family Doctors, Physical Therapists, Medical Massage Practices, Weight Loss Clinics, Psychologists, Veterinary Practices, and many more healthcare companies save cash and grow their businesses!


When you join TN, receive new customers that you would not have had otherwise. 


TN members are also business owners who understand the challenges of operating a business. They value fair pricing and flexibility, making them easy and enjoyable to work with.


Get the goods and services you need, without having to sacrifice your bottom line with excessive discounts. It's a win-win for everyone involved!

Trade Network is a great resource to find quality vendors and meet other local businesses. Our members regularly network with one another, share ideas and resources, and refer new customers to each other.


By joining TN, you'll not only find quality vendors, but also gain valuable connections that can help your business grow and succeed.



With Trade Network, you can attract new customers while keeping your prices at normal retail, without having to offer discounts or promotions that eat into your profits.


Trade Network's commission is 12% which is only paid when you spend your trade dollars, ensuring that you only pay when you benefit from using your trade dollars, and keeping trades "win-win" transactions for everyone.


Done correctly, bartering is a huge boost for your company's cash flow. Every trade dollar you spend is a USD saved! When you spend trade dollars, your cash stays in your bank account.


Depending on the industry, most Trade Network members save 30%-70% (in real terms) on every purchase, boosting their cash flow and empowering their business to achieve more.


With Trade Network, you can more easily afford to show your appreciation to your employees!


TN members businesses can use their trade dollars to provide company outings, travel, employee incentives, provide special bonuses, and even supplement health care.


With Trade Network, you get more than just a broker - you get a barter concierge! Our team provides personalized customer service to help you navigate the network and connect with other businesses.


And the best part? Our brokers are available to provide curated trading opportunities, help resolve any issues, and even bring you new business opportunities from our network –and it's all included in our commission without any additional costs!

Arrow Veterinary

We have been a member of Trade Network for years. The team is dedicated to helping you connect with other members that suit your business needs. You won't regret making the decision to become a member!

Getting Started is Easy!

Join more than 700 Michigan businesses who are reducing cash expenses and gaining new customers through modern barter. 

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